5 ways a small business can improve productivity

Nowadays, owning a business means that you will be looking to establish a brand and an associated product or service. Thanks to the pandemic, small businesses have had it very tough.

However, now that things are calmer from a COVID-19 perspective than they were before, it’s time for you to get your company back on its feet. You can do this by increasing the productivity of your employees.

So, how are you going to do this? Well, that’s what we are going to find out below.

  1. Value your employees

In many businesses, employees do not necessarily feel as valued for their time and skills as they perhaps deserve to be. Everyone likes to feel appreciated for doing a good job.

If your employees feel exploited or as if they are not being noticed for their successes, they may end up burning out. This may make them less productive in the future, as well as less inclined to put effort into future tasks.

Do your best to reward your employees when they do a good job. Even just commending them on their efforts, or providing them a commission or bonus, can inspire them to work harder. Therefore, they are likelier to become more productive.

It’s difficult to focus on a multitude of projects at once. You can only be in one place at a time. That’s why you may find it hard to see why your business is not being very productive.

If you are in this position, it can be useful to hire a business growth advisor. Here at Practical CFO, we have capable advisors available for consultation.

Our business growth advisor services can help you see any potential weaknesses in your company and can help you improve them quickly and efficiently, allowing you to develop a business growth strategy.

  • Automation

Nowadays, there is an electronic tool for everything. Smaller tasks can waste time and money. That’s why you may want to consider utilising automated software to help you keep on track. This can encompass such functions as payments, stock, shipping, and search engine optimisation (SEO) tools.

By automating these smaller duties, you can make life a lot easier for your staff. They will be able to focus on the larger tasks and know that the smaller day-to-day issues are being handled effectively.

  •  Flexibility

Nowadays, the standard 9-5 work schedule is a bit old-fashioned. Everyone has different tasks and lifestyles that they may struggle to fit around a standard schedule.

That’s why you may find that productivity increases if you offer your employees a flexible working schedule. That means they could work mornings, afternoons, evenings or at night. Your employees can pick the best time for them to get started on their daily tasks. If you offer them this flexibility, you may find that their productivity rises.

  • Comfortable work environments

Of course, you will have employees that prefer working remotely, but if you do have employees in the office, you should be sure to offer them a variety of spaces to work in.

Some people may prefer private pods, while others may want to use more open-planned, sociable environments. Provide them with choice, and this is another formula that is likely to lead to enhanced productivity.

Are you interested in learning how PCFO’s specialised services and expertise could help your business achieve its ambitions in 2022 and beyond? If so, you are welcome to enquire to us today.

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